Dog Food Recipes
We all love our dogs and want the best for them. On this page you will find dog food recipes you can make for "Man's (and woman's) best friend" to show them you love them. Dogs have been eating table scraps for years. Now all of a sudden, it is bad for them? What? Homemade dog food is probably the best dog food there is. Sure, it takes a little time, but most of us cook anyway. Why not throw on a pot for the dog?
Dogs can eat people food just fine. There are a few things you want to look out for, though. It is a good idea to stay away from the following when looking for good recipes:
• Chocolate
• Avocado
• Moldy foods
• Any candy containing the sweetener Xylitol
• Grapes and raisins
• Milk
• Onions and onion powder
• Macadamia nuts and walnuts
• Mushrooms
• Mustard seeds
• Onions and onion powder
• Garlic (raw, cooked and powdered)
• Yeast dough

And of course items like coffee grounds, tea, and alcohol should be kept away from your dog. Let's face it, they don't make good dog food! For more information, please see the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center website.
Akita Style Lamb & Rice
1lb ground lamb (beef if you wish)
1-2 cups brown rice
2 stalks Broccoli
2 or 3 medium potatoes
3 medium carrots
1 sheet kombi, Sea Kelp (optional)
Brown lamb in a fry pan. Boil water, put about 4-5 cups into a crock pot, so it is already hot while you are fixing the rest of the ingredients. Add cubed potatoes to the fry pan. Cut broccoli and add this to the crock. Put the rest of the works in the pot, add enough hot water to cover. Add pepper to taste. Throw in 1/2 cup brown rice and mix.
We hope your best friend enjoys this tasty dog food recipe!
Auggie's Wolfdown
16-qt stew pot with cover enough olive oil to coat bottom of pot
5-6 lbs. ground beef
2 50-oz cans chicken broth
4 cups water
1 3-lb bag frozen corn
1 3-lb bag brown rice
Brown ground beef in olive oil. When beef is cooked, add broth, water, and corn. (Note that broth and water amount to just over a gallon of liquid; you can also just dump in a gallon jug of water and add a bunch of bouillon cubes.) Bring to a boil. Add brown rice, stir well, cover, and bring to a boil again. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 1 hour. Remove from heat and let cool overnight. Makes approximately 40-45 cups of food. Divide the yield into generous 2-cup portions and freeze most of it (it freezes well). Always have some thawed in the fridge and microwave it for a minute or so to get it to room temperature. Suggested serving is as follows:
1 portion (2 cups) Auggie's Wolfdown
1 cup high-quality all-natural kibble
1 portion (2 cups) Auggie's Wolfdown
1 cup fresh shredded veggies
2-3 times a week: a little nonfat plain yogurt and an egg yolk
We hope your best friend enjoys this tasty dog food recipe!
Boo's Biscuits
3 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 cup Quaker oats
1 cup milk
1/2 cup hot water
2 beef or chicken bouillon cubes
1/2 cup meat drippings
Dissolve bouillon cubes in hot water. Add milk and drippings and beat. In a separate bowl, mix flour and oatmeal. Pour liquid ingredients into dry ingredients and mix well. Press onto an un-greased cookie sheet and cut into shapes desired. Bake at 300 for 1 hour. Turn off heat and leave in the oven to harden. Refrigerate after baking.
We hope your best friend enjoys this tasty dog food recipe!
Canine Corn Bread
1 cup Cornmeal
1 cup All-Purpose flour
4 tsps. Baking powder
1 cup Milk
1 Egg, beaten
1/2 cup Bacon grease or corn oil
Combine dry ingredients. Add liquids and beat until smooth. Pour into a greased, 8" square baking pan. Bake in a preheated 425F. oven 15-20 minutes. Yield: 16 (2") squares.
We hope your best friend enjoys this tasty dog food recipe!
Doggie Gravy
1 Boneless/skinless Chicken Breast
4 Cups Water
1 Cup Flour
2 Whole Eggs
Boil chicken breast for about 1/2 an hour, remove to cool. Add flour to chicken water. Beat out lumps. Add pre-beaten eggs. Cook on low heat until it's done thickening. Pulverize chicken in food processor. Add to flour/egg gravy. May need to add more water. Unfortunately it won't freeze.
1 lb meat - ground beef, ground turkey, ground venison, etc.
2c cooked BROWN rice
2 cans veggies, or fresh veggies (about 3 cups)- broccoli, asparagus, sweet
potatoes, green beans, carrots, spinach, kale
2 hardboiled eggs chopped and shells crushed
1 can of mackerel
2 cloves of garlic, minced
chicken livers or gizzards, chopped (about $1.00 worth)
Pulverize veggies, either in a blender, processor, grinder, etc. Mix all ingredients together in a big pot. Add enough water to cover, mix well. Cover the pot and simmer for about 2 hrs, stirring occasionally. When it is done cooking, cool, and place into containers or baggies, enough for one feeding in each and freeze. Simply get out in the morning to thaw in the fridge.
We hope your best friend enjoys this tasty dog food recipe!
Dog Food Recipes courtesy of
Well, there you have it. Some great holistic dog food recipes. You get the idea. Just keep to the food pyramid - even for your dog, whole grains, meat and vegetables! They don't need all the sugars and fats that people are used to. They will think your food is delicious and will appreciate your efforts! They don't have nearly the number of taste buds that humans do, so if it smells great and is good for them, they will love it! Happy Cooking!
We have just added a line of pet vitamins. Good nutrition is vital to your pet's health.
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